Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Download GIMP 2.7.3 Precompiled For Windows

Start of Gimp 2.7.3

Although GIMP policy does not foresee the release of unstable versions of the program in executable format, you can find online versions of willing volunteers to fill.


This is the case of the site http://partha.com/, from which you can download the last two "nightly" releases of GIMP, the 2.7.2 and 2.7.3, which contain the interesting and long-awaited news about the single-window management and an overall improvement in the time the user friendliness, as well as some notable innovations in basic functionality.

Equally interesting is the fact that the versions are also available as "portable", that allow you to install the program in a completely stand-alone even on a mobile device, without soiling the configuration of your PC with a development version of the program.


Perilous, releases have already provided some plugins and script-fu feature from the very interesting (in particular find it very powerful "Wavelet-Sharpen" compared to the standard functionality of an increase in retail Gimp).

The link to download the latest unstable version of GIMP is: http://partha.com/

Here is a screenshot of the program in action:

Finally, remember that the unstable versions should be installed in a folder separate from the stable, and that it is normal to be subject to bugs or unexpected crash. In any case I am convinced that waiting for the next version 2.8 worthwhile to try these intermediate.

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